Well hello. My name is Luis from deep South Texas close to Rio Grande City area. I’m 5’6”, weight 160lbs and have a nice body with honey eyes.
I went to Miguel Aleman Tamps to visit some family, and in Mexico is where anything happens, all your desires all your fantasies come true. Since when I was a boy I was always attracted by military men, and that greenish uniforms always turned me on.
It all started on July 2012. I was about to graduate from High School and my parents were gonna make a party because I graduated with honors etc... So i needed to give out invitations to my family even tho some couldn’t attend, so as I crossed the International Bridge to Mexico. I saw the military men and gosh I had a boner lol so one of them stopped me and told me, “A donde te dirijes?” (where are you going?)
Me: "Voy a entregar unas invitaciones a mis familares porque me voy a graduar"(gonna turn in invitations for graduation party to fam)
"Y que edad tiene usted"(how old are you)
Me: “Tengo 18." (I’m 18.)
"Pase pues." (Pass then.)
So I did whatever I had to do all day. Then I went to Soriana, a Mexican store, and for my luck the same military soldier guy who asked me questions on the bridge was there paying for bread he was buying. And I looked at him and I wanted for him to notice me. So I stood behind him with a Mexican soda to pay and I him, “Hola de Nuevo.” (Well hi again.)
Soldier, “Que onda, morro?” (Sup, little boy?)
Me: "Ta muy caloroso. No se siente muy caliente usted con ese traje? No se baya a deshidratar." (It’s very hot. Don’t you feel hot with that suit? Hopefully you won’t dehydrate.)
I knew something could happen because every time he crossed a word with me he grabbed his package. I just needed to push a little more to get to the sex convo.
Me: “Y usted como se llama?" (What is your name, sir?)
Soldier: "Me llamo Servando y vengo desde Oaxaca y ando trabajando aqui en Tamaulipas." (My name is Servando and im working here in Tamps. I’m from Oaxaca.)
Me: "Y porque lo mandaron desde aya hasta aca si no nadamas en Tamps ahi violencia?" (Why so far if violence is everywhere?)
Soldier: “Si quieres afuera te explico morro?” (If you want I can explain to you outside, little boy.)
I was so freaking nervous. I knew something was gonna happen. He was about 6’2”, very dark skin, low fade haircut and had a nice butt...suddenly we both went outside.
Soldier: “Oye morro, una pregunta." (Hey boy, one question.)
Me: "Mande." (Yes?)
Soldier: “Eres putito verdad o me equivoco.” (You’re a little fag, right, or am I wrong?)
Me: “No pos la verdad esque si me gusta la polla, no voi a mentir." (To be honest, yes i like cock, I’m not gonna lie."
Soldier: “Tengo chingos que no me sacan la leche y cuando taba yo chavalon de unos 24 años un putito de 19 siempre me la chupaba. Hase dos meses estoy aqui pero no ahi chanze de nada." (It’s been a while I haven’t nutted. When I was younger like around 24 a little fag around 19 years old would always suck me good. It’s been two months that I’ve been here and nothing of nothing.)
It was that moment when I didn’t give a crap about passing out my other invitations. I just couldn't believe what he was telling me. I was in shock. I asked him his age. He said 32 and I was just day dreaming of those beautiful words he just said.
Me: @_@
Me: “Usted nadamas digame donde y cuando y yo estiro. No me culeo." (Just let me know when and where and I’ll be there. I won’t back off)
Soldier: “Mira morro, a las 11 pm te topo en la primera plaza y te subes al carro conmigo y yo se pa donde ir." (Look, boy, at 11 pm meet me in the first plaza and you get in my car and i know where to go.)
So it was 11 pm and I was so nervous. Around 11:07 pm (I still remember the time lol) he parked and I climbed into his car. We traveled like for 25 minutes. I saw a street called Linda Vista. We parked outside a house and he told me to hold on. So as I waited he waved and made me a sign to go in. As I entered I saw 3 military men, all tall with no shirt on. I almost fainted. He told me, "Estos son mis compañeros." (These are my buddies.)
Me: “Hhhola mmucho ggusto.” (Hhhhi, nice to meet you.)
I was so nervous and shy and excited but then everything calmed down. Servando told them I was lost on the street and that I needed water so he took me to his bedroom -_-
Soldier: "Que pensastes que te ivan a tronar todos o que morro?" (What did you think they were all gonna bang you or what, boy?")
Me: “Pooosss no seria mala idea lol” (Wellll, it wouldn’t be a bad idea.)
Soldier: "Ven mira." (Come look.)
As I approached, he unzipped his pants and told me to go in the shower with him. I felt in heaven. His hard dick was about 8 inches, big balls, mushroom head, very hairy, so masculine. All the popping veins were so hot.
Soldier: “Tocala. No muerde.” (Touch it. It won’t bite.)
Me: “Neta, la tienes bien gorda. Nunca habia visto una asi, Servando." (Dang! It’s so fat. Honestly I’ve never seen one this big, Servando.)
Soldier: “Dale un besito y luego la chupas como un becerrito." (Give it a little kiss and then suck it as if you were a little calf.)"
I started doing what he wanted. I passed my tongue over his cock head, slowly moving my hand up and down his thick hard shaft, down and up. He was just moaning and thrusting his manly hips, stuffing me with his fat cock. His bush and cock smelled so good pressed against my nose.
Soldier: “Asi, putito. Siguele chupando. No pares. ahhhh que rico ahhh" (Like that, little faggot. Keep sucking. Don’t stop. Ahhh it feels so good ahhh.)
Suddenly when he was about to nut, I was on my knees and someone knocked and said, "Ya te lo tronastes?" (Did you fuck him already?)
Soldier: “No todabia no. Pasate." (No, not yet. Come in.)
I was confused when I saw the other guy. He was about 5’8”, white looking like the men from Monterrey who have blue eyes. He wore his military pants but no shirt.
Soldier: “Se la quieres mamar a el tambien o qué?" (Do you want to suck him too or what?)
Me: “Si claro. Se la chupo a los dos." (Yes, of course. I will suck you both.")
To be continued.............
P.S. This really happened and I wrote it as clearly as i could with exact words the soldier and I used.
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