So one of my first jobs was at the Cardenas stores in the back, packing meat. When I started working there, I was complaining they had us working fucking hard all the time.
Well, I've always been quiet and shy specially with people I don't know, so Los carniseros eran bien cabrones (the butchers were fuckers) with me all the time, echando Carrilla (teasing me), saying things like, "Hey mijo where's your girlfriend at!"
They obviously sensed that I was gay, but I never confirmed it to them, and plus they were old farts lol I didn't get attracted by them, except for a 30 year old guy named Rogelio from Guadalajara, light skinned, green eyes, 6 feet tall, 180 lbs of pure muscle and my weakness he was a tatted up Pelon. Damn, that vato was a fine ass fuck y un culo paradito round (a round perky ass) lol The girls at the store would call him Culon (big butted).
Well, it was closing time for the store, and we were putting the meat back at fridge, tired as fuck. Rogelio came up to me and told me, 'I'll help you finish."
I was nervous and said, "No, I'm almost done."
He replied, "I'll help. I'm not doing nothing."
"Ok," I said.
"Que trais? Why u nervous?" he said.
I looked and said, "I ain't nervous. I'm just cold."
He smiled at me. I was like, Fuck he is he noticing me checking him out. We finished our work and went out our way.
I was outside the store, waiting for my dumb ass brother that forgot to pick me up. I was on my cell, calling him, and the idiot wouldn't answer. I started walking home. As I walked, I notice a car pull towards the side ahead of me. I was like, Fuck lo que Me faltaba (that's all I needed), thinking I was gonna get robbed or something.
I just walked faster as I passed the car. I heard my name. I turned around, and it was Rogelio he said, "Where u going? U need a ride?"
"No gracias. It's ok. I live close by," I lied.
"Subete. Yo te llevo. No seas culero guey. No nieges un favor (Get in. I'll take you. Don't be an ass. Don't turn down a favor), he said.
I was like, Fuck it, I'm in.
So he said, "U work tomorrow?"
"No," I said.
"Me neither," he replied , "U wanna chill at my pad for awhile? Come on or you have some where to be or go?"
I was like, "Naw, I'm cool, just tired."
He said, "Don't trip. We'll drink some beers, just relax and chill, o te pega tu novio? (or will your boyfriend hit you?)
My heart pounded. "I'm single," I replied, and with a smirk in his face he said, "Well, u don't work, I don't work, boys nite out!"
Back at his place, I found out he had a real nice decorated one bedroom apartment! What kinda butchy man has his apartment real nice! Rogelio went into his room and came out in boxer. Damn, that body and that tatted chest!
"Hey, here are some clothes and the shower is over there," he said.
"Thanks," I said. I was thinking, This guy is being too flirty with me but wtf we all think the same of every guy lol
So I got in the shower, trying to calm down and was thinking of what might happen. Then the door opened, and Rogelio with a towel around his waist said, "Hey u might finish the hot water."
I said, "Well come in then!"
He pulled his towel off. This foo had a rock hard on boner 9 inch uncut dick. I was like Dayum.
"Mira nomas que nalgon eres (look how big butted you are)," he said.
He reached to grab me and kissed me. I was just running with the flow. We started making out in the shower, then I started sucking on his dick.
"Si chupamela Rico. Hasi chikiyo tragatela. Es toda tuya (Yes suck it good. Like that little one, swallow it. It's all yours), he said.
We were in the shower, sucking each other off for 30 minutes. He said started rimming me. He said, "Wow que rico culito, bien sabroso. Vamos a la cama (Wow what a great ass you have, so delicious. Let's go to the bed.)
We went to his bed room and he put me on missionary. Dang! He lubed his dick up and started popping his cock head into my tight little asshole. Now let me tell you that cock what fucking thick as fuck. I couldn't believe there where pitos tan gruesos y asi grande como la tenia el cabron me empeso a Cojer despasio y luego al ritmo de la musica asi. (I couldn't believe there were dicks so thick and even as big as he had it, the fucker started to fuck me slowly then to the rhythm of the music.)
He fucked slowly to the rhythm of the love jams. He then picked me up from the bed and banged me against the wall. He started fucking me hard as fuck. I screamed with joy and pain. Fuck, he knew how to fuck.
"Te gusta chikito asi? (you like it like that little one?)," and he moaned and moaned.
"Damn, more!" I said, but I couldn't take it.
He said, "Aguantate, ya me vengo (hole on I'm cumming)."
I was, "Si! Asi papi, cojeme duro (Yes, like that, fuck me hard)."
He got excited and said, "Asi te gusta? (You like it like that?)
I felt how his dick was about to burst and as it did he moaned, "Si asi."
Damn, I could believe what just happened. We laid in the bed and he said, "Te gusto? (did you like it?)"
I said, "Yea but I didn't cum."
He said, "Why?"
"Cuz u had me against the wall, and I was holding on to you."
He said, "Aw my bad chikito. What can I do? Want round 2?"
I said, "No, con ese pito me vas a sacar las tripas (No, with that cock you're gonna take out guts.)"
We both laughed. He said, "Me quieres Cojer? (You wanna fuck me?)
Well, that's another story, guys. Thanks for reading, keep in touch and show some love .....
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