My names is Junior, I'm a 21 year old living in the city of Fort Worth, TX...In this city to be gay or bi on the DL it's pretty rough since by the time you get to know the whole city....
But anyways, let me describe you a little about me: I am 5'8'', I weigh 195, short black hair, brown eyes, medium skin tone, and yes Mexicano.
Well anyways, I wanna tell yall something that I have been hiding for about a year or so. I have a cousin that is from Mexico, and he has been living here for about 4 years. Let me tell you a little about my cousin Angel: he's 21, 5'10'', weighs about 170, he's very muscular, has light brown hair(taper mohak) light brown eyes, light skin tone.
When he got here, he was staying at the house, in my room, but I really didn't talk to him. I was still in school and too focused on my "friends" that I really didn't spend any time with him. All that great sex that we missed out on....
A couple months later, he moved out with his older brother Freddie and his dad, not too far from my house. At that time I really lost contact with him.
One Saturday night he came to the house with his brother Freddie to chill. I had a leftover JD bottle from the night before, so we sipped the drink, and they spent the night. Freddie got fucked up quick, so he went to sleep early. Angel and I stayed up, finishing the bottle and talked for a while and then headed to bed.
Once we were in bed, I felt a hand on my ass, as he whispered, "Yo se que onda contigo." (I know what's up with you.)
I had no reply. I just went straight down on his dick and ate that shit. I started licking the on the head slowly, as I grabbed his dick. Then he started face fucking me. We did it for couple of minutes, then he whispered, "Cojete." (Fuck yourself.)
I wanted to so bad, but I told him no. After that night everything seemed like nothing happened.
A couple of days later I found out that he was moving to Oklahoma to work for my uncle. He would call me all the time, but at that time like I said I was in school and I had a life lol and I really didn't ever pick up his calls.
Last summer, Freddie moved in the house, so me and that nigga got kinda close again. That nigga was on some hard core shit, so we started focusing in music until he was off that shit.
One weekend, we went over to Oklahoma to visit Angel, and boy was he looking hella ratchet. He was working, taking care of my uncle's racing horses, so he was living in a ranch where there was really no life out there.
So when me and Freddie got there, we got shit ready for a carne asada and got some brews and we just chilled by the grill. We spent the night and came back the next day. That trip made me realize how fucked up I was for not ever picking up his calls, so I started calling him more and picking up his phone calls and I gotta say we did flirt.
A couple weeks later we went again, but this time another homeboy tagged along, and we had a blast out there in the ranch. On trips that we took to Oklahoma, we would never mess around. I guess Angel had too much fun, because the following week he called me and asked me if I could go pick him up because he didn't wanna work there no more. I went to pick him up, and I brought him to the house.
Now it was going to be three of us in a room, only one bed tho, but we did it lol Freddie would work at night, so me and Angel would spend the whole day together. We would go everywhere together. He was my partner in crime. I started helping him out with his English, got him into rap.
At nights tho, Angel and I we were two different people. Every night he would know wassup: he would shower and get in bed and wait for me while I showered. By the time I would get back to bed, he would act asleep with the light on and a sexy ass pose with his muscular arms around his head.
I turned off the lights and whispered to him if I could suck his dick. He was very quiet about everything. He never told me anything. He just started a round of footsies, and I already knew wassup. I always went straight to sucking his dick first. This foo was like 9 inches, making me gag and shit.
He always likes it when I licked the head, getting all that precum off of him. To be honest, I'm a very rough dick sucker. I like to feast on that shit. Every time I was sucking his dick and he turned on his side, that's how he would let me know that he was ready to put it in my asshole. I turned on my side, and I put that shit in my asshole slowly since I'm a little tight.
We never used condoms. He sometimes came in my ass or of course in my mouth. He fucked me in all kinds of positions, but he never said nothing. We do some slight moaning.
I was getting addicted to the daily sex at that time. I was being a fuck up at the house tho. We got kicked out, and a month later my parents sent me to live with my uncle down in the valley. I got over there on New Year's Eve of 2012. I stayed there for about 6 months.mI came to visit once, on 420 of course.
Now I'm here in Fort Worth again. Angel got his own place with his brother Freddie. Freddie was still working nights when I got here in June, so every afternoon Angel and I would fuck around in his room. About 2 months ago Freddie got laid off, so we don't mess around as much.
I miss Angel's dick in my mouth and ass everyday tho. We still do it, but only like when Freddie is not around, but on the weekends it goes down.
I have a little problem tho. Some strange feelings have been going on through my head for him that I have never felt before. I don't know what it is. I don't tell him neither. He looks at me like nobody has ever done it. I never ask him anything. I fear telling him how I feel, I mean we're cousins, and I'm not out yet....Story of my life.
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