My first experience with a hard-core gangster was three years ago. It turned out to be the most dangerous and life threatening time of my life. Additionally, it was the best sex I ever had.
I attended this bar-be-que in Hollywood in a frame house compound with guest houses in the back. There were all kinds of people there at least from the lower classes. Young, old, male, female, bums, hard workers. I was the only middle-class person there and the only Anglo. You might say I was out of place.
I spotted this thug with lots of tats on his body. He was wearing long shorts. His head was cleanly shaved. He was holding a hot dog and a Corona. I could not take my eyes off him. He said, "What's up?"
I said that I knew the owner of the property and that I was invited to the party.
We chatted briefly. There was A B S O L U T E L Y no trace of his gayness whatsoever. I took a chance. I invited him to my place.
"Do you got beer? Porno?" he asked.
We got in my car. He was immediately impressed with everything I had. I could tell this from the get-go. He loved my car. He loved my pad and dispensed many compliments over the next year that I saw him.
The first night I sucked him off about 5 times.
Less than a week later he called me back and wanted to come over again. This time I started at his toes and licked up his hairy legs. They were rock hard as was the rest of his manly, macho body. When I got to his crotch I played with his foreskin with my tongue for twenty minutes before going down on him. His cock was not that big. Not small either.
He was from El Salvador. He lied about his age. He said he was 24. I discovered he was 29 by questioning him about the revolution and the age he entered the U.S. A.
Later he said, "I have to take a piss." He got up and went in the hallway.
I said, "Come back and try something new." He looked confused.
I said, "Have you ever pissed in someone's mouth?"
He said not a word. I saw in his eyes that he decided to try it. He came over to my face and stuck the head of his dick in my mouth. I drank every drop. He loved this. He was afraid that I might damage my health. Yet I drank his piss for the next three years almost every week end. In fact he did not use the bathroom while here.
He told me half a year later that no one was like me. No one had sucked his toes or drank his piss. He said it really turned him on. I told him that he would be doing it to some hot young guy himself one day.
A few months ago he stayed with me for a week. He indicated that he was tired of getting his dick sucked. He asked me to get under him with his legs up. He was propped up on the couch watching hot Latino porno.
He instructed me to lick between his anus and his balls, and I did it for one hour. This was so hot for us that we continued this for the rest of the week. It was hotter than sucking dick. Unfortunately a few days after this the police came for him and took him away to Prison for outstanding warrants.
I will never forget this hot young thug. I know he will not forget me either for I served him to the fullest even at the point of risking my successful middle-class life.
